
Vagina shapes
Vagina shapes

vagina shapes vagina shapes

Remember: whether your vulva fits exactly into any of the below descriptions, or whether you have variations of a few unless it's causing you physical discomfort then it really is absolutely normal. Your 'labia minora', on the other hand, are the thinner, inside lips which start below the clitoris and are either visible or not depending on the way your vulva looks. Your vagina is a very special part of you and there are. Like the labium majora, they protect the delicate parts of your vagina, are very sensitive. They start at the bottom of your vagina and meet all the way at the top near the clitoris. Think of the cushioning between your inner thighs and your labia minora. These are kind of the mini-mes of the labium majora. Kyrin Dunston is joined by special guest Dr.

'Vagina' refers to the muscular, elastic canal that extends from your cervix to your hymen.

Its time to talk about our happy places - our vaginas On this episode of The Hormone Prescription Podcast, host Dr.The vagina is not the same things as the vulva. These symptoms are similar to those of other types of vaginal infections. Read on for 25 amazing vulva and vagina facts. When Mr Ibraheim refers to the 'labia majora' below, that's the fleshier outer lips of the vulva. Candidiasis in the vagina is commonly called a vaginal yeast infection. But just in case you're not proficient in vag-talk, we thought we'd clarify what's what. Carrying out regular procedures as his day job means he's seen his fair share of vulvas - so he was able to pin-point seven key 'types' of labia. But here's the thing: no matter what the shape, size, colour, WHATEVER your labia (unless, you know, it physically hurts), it's completely normal.Īnd if there's anyone who knows, it's Mr Mofid Ibraheim MB BCh, MRCOG, an expert surgeon in gynaecological procedures at MYA. Labia, vagina, vulva: do you think yours is normal? Due to their intimate nature, we don't tend to see (and size up) the different types of vaginas our friends have, which is how so many people can end up with insecurities.

Vagina shapes